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PTW boosts player support with a neural network

Their RESOLVE service aims to cut the cost of mobile app customer support
PTW boosts player support with a neural network

Game service provider PTW has announced the launch of neural machine translation service RESOLVE.

RESOLVE helps player support teams manage unexpected gaps or volume spikes, creating timely resolutions of player issues and inquiries regardless of language, helping teams maximise productivity while maintaining service levels.

“As part of our mission to build technology-driven solutions to problems throughout our industry, we created a platform that addresses many of the player support pain points our clients have repeatedly voiced,” said PTW CEO Deborah Kirkham. “With RESOLVE, we now offer flexible, cost-efficient machine translation for multilingual player support, with features that check all the boxes - it’s a game changing solution.”

Player support is a vital aspect of the games industry, but one that can face significant challenges. With many mobile games attracting worldwide and multicultural player bases, gamemakers, especially smaller and independent ones, may struggle to offer effective customer support. PTW hopes that RESOLVE can help alleviate this issue, increasing customer satisfaction and helping developers identify and resolve any issues faced by players.

RESOLVE can also be used on either an interim or permanent bases, giving game makers the tools necessary to leverage their own resources to scale hiring as needed in low volume situations.

The importance of customer satisfaction

“RESOLVE was developed from the ground up by our engineering and localization experts, who are innately familiar with the challenges our clients face - this solution is not only scalable, but it’s efficient and can bring immediate cost savings,” said PTW senior director of player support Neil Long.

Customer support, despite its importance to the structure of many games companies, is often overlooked in favour of departments more directly involved with game development. PTW hopes that RESOLVE can help companies cut down on the cost of offering this service while still improving efficiency, allowing them to devote more money to development.

We discussed the importance of customer support on the official podcast earlier this month.