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Fragbite and Tilting Point end their publishing deal

Fragbite will now publish MMA Manager 2: Ultimate Fight in-house
Fragbite and Tilting Point end their publishing deal

Fragbite Group has announced that the title MMA 2: Ultimate Fight will be published in-house going forward, ending the company’s deal with publisher Tilting Point, reports

The game and its engine were developed by Fragbite subsidiaries FunRock and Prey Studios, with Tilting Point assuming publication duties at launch in June 2022. The two companies have also been working together on other titles, including the original MMA Manager and strategy Capital War, although at present it’s unclear whether these games have likewise been affected by the deal’s end.

"We have been in discussions with Tilting Point for some time now regarding the future of the game engine and the title MMA Manager 2: Ultimate Fight," said Fragbite Group president and CEO Marcus Teilman.

Carving its own path

While signing a publishing deal can allow a company to increase its profile and bring its games to the attention of wider audiences, many successful developers prefer to publish in-house as this allows them to have greater control of the game while keeping a larger proportion of the profits. The decision to take the title’s publishing in-house could therefore signify confidence in the game’s current and future performance, and Fragbite’s ability to draw increased profits from the game without the deal.

Discussing the decision to end the agreement, Tiellman said, "We have in good faith agreed that both are best served from this point forward if the publication is carried out in-house. It will allow us greater flexibility as we are able to choose channels and level of expenditure on marketing, something we believe will generate improved margins over time."

Despite some recent turbulence, including layoffs, Tilting Point remains one of the most recognisable names in the gaming industry, announcing a deal with Netflix for three new games.

We listed Tilting Point as one of the top 50 mobile game makers of 2022.