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Božo Janković on the rapid changes in ad monetisation: “Developers should prepare for these changes now"

As head of monetisation at GameBiz Consulting, Janković’s talk at PGC Helsinki gave developers practical insight and tips to improve ad monetisation
Božo Janković on the rapid changes in ad monetisation: “Developers should prepare for these changes now

Pocket Gamer Connects Helsinki 2023 is in full swing and we’ll be bringing you coverage from our event as it happens. 

One key aspect of any PGC event is the talks and tracks, with individual talks by some of the game industry’s brightest and best divided into individual tracks by topic.

On the Ad Insights track, Božo Janković, head of monetisation at GameBiz presented a talk entitled “What to do to maximise your ad revenue”.

Moving with the times

The talk covered the “continuous and rapid changes” in the mobile video games industry and how ad monetisation is just one aspect that is ever evolving and changing how developers and ad monetisation managers must “adapt to optimise their ad performance”.

One of the key points touched upon was Google’s Ads intentions to move toward real time bidding auctions for apps. This change has been delayed until next year but studios still need to prepare for the changes ahead as “this will have an impact on eCPM and overall ad monetisation” noted Jankovic, describing Google bidding as “the game partners apocalypse”. “Developers should begin to prepare for these changes now, as the process could take months and the current date for these changes is January 16.”

Plus there will be more requirements for displaying ads in the future. This includes ads that have to display what information was used to actually target the user, interstitial ads must be easy to close and must also be clearly marked as ads. Finally, another new addition will see that users must be able to report an ad from within the app itself.

“While the mobile games market is an incredibly fierce and passionate space, changes in transparency and monetisation tactics are making it difficult for many developers. This is especially true for indie devs that need to adapt to these new changes quickly to ensure that their game is targeting the right players.” 

Want to join us at Pocket Gamer Connects Jordan 2023?

Couldn't make it to Helsinki? Don't worry, Pocket Gamer Connects returns later this year in Jordan, November 4 - 5 2023. Don't miss it!

Find out more about the event and get your tickets here!