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Fingersoft's welcoming culture draws international talent

The company currently has 118 employees, of which 20% are international staff
Fingersoft's welcoming culture draws international talent
  • To support newcomers, Fingersoft provides integration packages, including Finnish courses, ensuring a smooth transition

Finnish video game developer Fingersoft has embraced an international workforce, as demonstrated by the migration of 3D artist Aleksandar Lepojevic from Serbia to Oulu.

blog post revealed that despite getting job offers elsewhere, Lepojevic chose Fingersoft due to its welcoming culture and smooth recruitment process.

The company currently has 118 employees, of which 20% are international staff, as it continues to emphasise diversity and foster creativity and productivity. Their international recruitment started in 2020 and has benefitted from the company's global recognition.

Fingersoft provides integration packages, including Finnish courses, to support newcomers and ensure a smooth transition. The company's autonomy and trust-based working culture resonate well with employees like Aleksandar.

Simplifying the recruitment process

“I always knew I wan­ted to work in the gaming industry. At some point I fell in love with 3D art and just never loo­ked back," said Lepojevic. “Since then, I’ve wor­ked with THQ Nor­dic, Robot Enter­tain­ment, Chi­ne­se Room, Sumo Digi­tal, and Room8 on nume­rous pro­jects, pri­ma­ri­ly focusing on sty­lized art."

As a visual designer, “My role invol­ves crea­ting sty­lized worlds. We concep­tua­lize dif­fe­rent sce­na­rios for our games and then I bring them to life in 3D space. We try our best to make our worlds ima­gi­na­ti­ve, whi­le ensu­ring opti­mal per­for­mance on mobi­le devices," Lepojevic explained.

“Since our games have such a huge audience and they are well known all over the world, it makes rec­rui­ting easier," said Fingersoft HR manager Eli­na Yrttiaho. “We par­tici­pa­te in the gaming industry’s rec­ruit­ment events such as the Games Jobs Fair and use other gaming industry speci­fic rec­ruit­ment plat­forms as well as social media to reach talents, explica­tes."

International companies can benefit from resources like BusinessOulu's job seeker database for recruitment and integration. Fingersoft's success also highlights the importance of an inclusive workforce in the gaming industry worldwide.