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Studio Profile: Gameloft

One of the leading mobile game publishers
Studio Profile: Gameloft

Gameloft is one of the two largest mobile games publishers, battling it out with EA Mobile for the top spot in terms of revenues.

The company is also one of the most well established  mobile games firms, having been founded in 1999, although in recent years it has diversified onto other platforms, including DS, PSP iPod and PC.

Key Titles & Brands

Gameloft has a well-defined mix of branded and own-IP games, split between different areas. It has benefited historically from its relationship with Ubisoft (both companies where founded by members of the Guillemot family), turning many of the latter's console games into mobile titles, including several Splinter Cell and Prince of Persia games.

In recent years Gameloft has lowered its reliance on these franchises though, acquiring other kinds of brand licence. These include TV shows the company had a huge hit with Deal or No Deal in the UK and has signed up US shows Grey's Anatomy, CSI, Lost and Heroes.

Movies have also been increasingly prominent in Gameloft's portfolio, including King Kong, Beowulf, American Gangster and Die Hard 4.0.

However, Gameloft has always placed a great deal of focus on developing its own IP, too, building franchises around Asphalt Urban GT, Real Football, its Nights sim titles and its Midnight sports games.

Key titles:

Key Individuals

Gameloft's president and CEO is Michel Guillemot, based in the company's UK office. Meanwhile, the president of marketing is Gonzague de Vallois, and the marketing deputy director is Karine Kaiser.

Company Data

Gameloft generated €96.1 of revenues in 2007, up 40 per cent from 2006. Its operating income before stock-based compensation for 2007 was €2.9M, up 15 per cent on the year before.

The company has nearly 3,400 developers in its studios, and is aiming to release 80 new games in 2008.

Gameloft has offices around the globe, including the US, throughout Europe, China, Japan and South Korea. The full list of contacts is here.

Prominent Partners

Gameloft is one of the few mobile games publishers to handle all its development in-house, rather than using external studios for some projects.

It has strong links with console publisher Ubisoft, while licensing partners include CBS, Ferrari, ABC Studios, Universal Pictures, Paramount Pictures, and 20th Century Fox, amongst others.

More Information

More information on Gameloft can be found via the links below:

Official pages:

In the press: