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SYBO CEO Mathias Gredal Nørvig on why the games industry is 'the best place to be'

"Practice makes perfect"
SYBO CEO Mathias Gredal Nørvig on why the games industry is 'the best place to be'

Mathias Gredal Nørvig is the CEO of Danish developers SYBO, the mobile developer behind the world's most downloaded game, Subway Surfers.

He has a track record from management consulting at PwC and a deal team member in institutional investment rounds, as well as being a founding member of Playing for the Planet, launched at UNGA 2019 in NYC, with Sony, Microsoft, Google, Ubisoft, Supercell and others.

Nørvig is a board member in Plastic Change, and an impact investment aficionado with a passion for climate, water and the future of energy and nutrition.

During next week's Beyond Games conference, he joins a Power Panel to discuss how creative companies see leadership.

Before the brand new online event explores the intersection of games and other creative industries next week (May 10th to 14th), we caught up with Nørvig to see which innovations in the creative industries have impressed him and how games contribute to other media.

Tell us a bit about your company

SYBO is the creators of Subway Surfers, the most downloaded game in the world. The most viral game ever. Based in Copenhagen Denmark with a lot of exciting things coming in 2021 and 2022. I manage the company, set the vision and enable us to get there.

What do you think games can contribute to other media?

It's the best place to be. All different backgrounds and professions coming together to make stories come to life in the palm of your hand.

What advice would you give to anyone looking to get into your field?

Practice makes perfect. Either become the best in your discipline or hack your way there as you produce your own pet project.

How has the way the games industry is perceived changed in recent years?

It's become much more global, ambitious and competitive. It's also much more predictable, like Hollywood, but there are still a lot of exciting things coming out.

Book now!

To hear Nørvig discuss how creative companies see leadership next week at Beyond Games, make sure you book your ticket now. Mid-Term prices offer savings of up to $140, but hurry - the offer ends at midnight THIS THURSDAY, May 6th.