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Company profile – Xsolla

Explore Xsolla, the Los Angeles-headquartered games industry sevice provider that has partnered with games luminaries including Epic, NetEase, and Roblox
Company profile – Xsolla

Following the success of Pocket Gamer Connects London 2022, we're taking a look at the companies that helped support the return to live events.

Company Name

Xsolla, Inc.

Date founded


Business type

Service provider for the video games industry, merchant of records, services around distribution, monetisation, marketing and funding


Los Angeles (HQ), Raleigh, Berlin, Perm, Seoul, Beijing, and Kuala Lumpur

Managing director

Konstantin Golubitsky, CEO

Key staff

Aleksandr Agapitov, Konstantin Golubitsky, Justin Berenbaum, Miikka Luotio, Sam Gaglani, Chris Hewish, Berkley Egenes, Ed Lin, Valentina Sevodina, and Sophia Lisaius

Number of employees

> 400

Contact details

Social media links


Main areas of business

FinTech, technology, commerce (tools and services, video game distribution, monetisation, funding, marketing and more)

Elevator pitch

Xsolla is a leading global video game commerce company, with a robust and powerful set of tools and services designed specifically for the games industry. Since its founding in 2005, Xsolla has helped thousands of game developers and publishers of all sizes to promote and monetize their games globally and across multiple platforms.

As an innovative leader in game commerce, Xsolla continues to solve the inherent complexities of global distribution, marketing, and monetization so their partners can grow audience, engagement, and revenue.


Epic Games, NetEase, Nexters, Roblox Corporation, Ubisoft, and Twitch

Highlights to date

  • $3 billion valuation
  • Shurick Agapitov named in Goldman Sachs 100 most intriguing entrepreneurs 2021
  • Grew revenue 70 per cent year-over-year 2019-2020
  • #1 fraud protection