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Preteens start with tablets and move to console

87 per cent of parents think games are educational
Preteens start with tablets and move to console

Consoles are the most popular games platform amongst preteens according to SuperData.

In a survey conducted on 1,000 US parents, it was found that 76 per cent of 10-to-12 year-olds preferred to play games on consoles.

However, 55 per cent of seven-to-nine year-olds preferred tablets.

In terms of popular titles, Roblox was #1 in September 2019 with 33 per cent.

It was followed by Fortnite and Minecraft at 26 per cent and 24 per cent respectively.

Having a positive effect

On the whole, parents agree that games can have a positive impact on young people.

87 per cent believe games to be educational, while a further 82 per cent credit games with being a creative influence for kids.

Other positive sentiments include improving social skills, plenty of age-appropriate games, easy to tell if a game is suitable for a child.

On the flip side, 75 per cent of parents are concerned about the safety of their children while playing games. Besides this, 58 per cent of those surveyed claim their child spends too much time on games.

The lowest parental concern at 55 per cent is that games can alter the behaviour of children, encouraging poor conduct.

Watching games content

An overwhelming 78 per cent of preteens watch games-related content on sites such as Twitch and YouTube. The main reason being it helps them to improve their own skills in games such as Fortnite.

The younger respondents are also in favour of watching games, 67 per cent of those aged seven-to-nine watch video content.

Spending money on games

By a small margin, 35 per cent of parents surveyed preferred to give children gift cards as a means to spend money on games.

Just below at 33 per cent is a cash allowance. The least popular method was linking the child's games account to their parents debit account, 17 per cent of adults choose this option.

However, 20 per cent of parents choose not to give their children any money for games.

You can check out the full report by registering here.