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50% of Gen Z and Gen Alpha make in-game purchases

Mobile is the top platform in both demographics
50% of Gen Z and Gen Alpha make in-game purchases

A new report by Newzoo has delved into how Gen Z and Gen Alpha engage with games, finding that mobile gaming is the most popular platform in these demographics – and that people within these demographics are spending more time gaming.

On average, Generation Alpha (10-12 years old) spend six hours and forty-nine minutes a week gaming, compared to six hours and ten minutes for Gen Z (13-27) and five hours for the total online population.

Mobile is the most popular platform in every demographic. 73 percent of Gen Alpha game on their phones, compared to 69 percent of Gen Z players. In contrast, 60 percent of the total online population are mobile gamers.

Gen Alpha are the only demographic where console players make up the second largest group, at 46 percent, compared to 38 percent for Gen Z and 31 percent for the total online population. PC players make up 41 percent, 42 percent, and 34 percent, respectively.

The rise of esports

Approximately 70 percent of Gen Alpha and 68 percent of Gen Z watch gaming content. Esports is a particular draw , with 32 percent of Gen Alpha and 33 percent of Gen Z watching related content, compared to approximately a quarter of the total online population. This data clearly displays that, as digital entertainment becomes more and more important to our day-to-day lives, younger generations are growing increasingly engaged with online spaces and gaming competitions.

The potential for socialisation in gaming is cited as a particular appeal for gamers in both demographics. 28 percent of Gen Alpha and 30 percent of Gen Z stated that multiplayer and social aspects of gaming are among their most appealing features.

52 percent of Gen Alpha and 51 percent of Gen Z players have spent money in-game over the past six months. 33 percent of mobile gamers in both demographics have done so on their devices, likely due to, in part, the prevalence of free-to-play games on mobile devices compared to other devices, where in-game purchases are less common.

In-game items – such as gear, currency, or playable characters – were a particularly strong motivator for in-game spending, with 93 percent of Gen Alpha and 91 percent of Gen Z making such purchases over the past six months.

This data is in-line with a previous report by Newzoo, which found that 50 percent of Gen Z gamers in India participate in real-money gaming.