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Rovio on games performance management and career models

VP of HR Marjo Kuosmanen breaks it down
Rovio on games performance management and career models

As part of Pocket Gamer Connects Helsinki 2016, Marjo Kuosmanen, Vice President of HR at Rovio, gave a talk on getting the most out of your team.

She started by talking about how Rovio is rethinking its performance management, saying the company wants to "focus and invest in our people" as they grow.

Knowing what to do

"It's important that every day, when we come to work, we know what is expected of us," said Kuosmanen, saying that the whole company should know what the overall direction is so that they can all work on a common goal.

She also recommended having the "right people in the right jobs", adding that there needs to be "enough challenge for people each and every day" and that there should be a strong culture fit from each member of the team.


You can see all our videos from Pocket Gamer Connects Helsinki 2016 in this YouTube playlist.