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Google updates Android analytics to SDK to monitor in-app billing

Proving which products are popular and profitable
Google updates Android analytics to SDK to monitor in-app billing

Having been keen for developers to implement in-app billing into Android Market apps, Google is now serving up the tools to enable studios to monitor just how successful such items have been.

An update to its analytics SDK informs developers how much revenue any in-app purchases they've built into their titles are bringing in.

Purchase performance

The idea is that studios will be able to better react to what's popular, as well as rework purchases that aren't.

Its implementation has been detailed on the Android Developers blog, with Google engineers Jim Cotugno and Nick Mihailovski issuing a guide on the best way to implement the SDK's feature within each app.

"If you allow users to purchase goods in your application, you’ll want to understand how much revenue your application generates as well as which products are most popular," they say in the blog post.

"With the new e-commerce tracking functionality in the Google Analytics Android SDK, this is easy."

[source: Google]