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Tag Games details revenue split: 29% iOS, 26% DSi and 18% PSN

Dundee studio making most money in UK and US
Tag Games details revenue split: 29% iOS, 26% DSi and 18% PSN

In a detailed breakdown of what's described as the studio's 'four legged stool' strategy, Dundee-based Tag Games has cast light on its revenues, citing its multiplatform approach as the main reason behind success.

According to co-founder Paul Farley, developers who don't have an Angry Birds-sized hit to fall back on are better off hedging their bets by working on all viable platforms.

That way, if one project fails to deliver, there remain others to keep the developer afloat.

Platform power

"We look to spread risk across the studio because we simply can’t predict where the next highly improbable product, platform, technology, business model or client is going to come from," Farley says in an entry on the studio's blog.

"Four legged stools are simple, elegant and functional. Unlike their three legged rivals, if something unfortunate happens to a leg they remain standing. If a three legged stool loses a leg it no longer has any use and falls over. I hope Tag is a four legged stool."

Tag's breakdown of its revenues over the course of the past 18 months would tend to suggest it is. While games on iOS make up 29 percent, Tag's library on DSi isn't far behind on 26 percent.

PSN edges out mobile releases standard Java or BREW titles on 18 percent to 16 percent, suggesting Tag's roots in mobile gaming hasn't restricted its growth to new markets.

Going global?

"If we look at the breakdown of revenue coming from self-publishing then it's pleasing to know that we are more than just the iPhone studio many assume we are," adds Farley.

"PSN and DSiWare both made significant contributions to our income during the year, as did income from older plaftorms such as J2ME and BREW mobile. Next year's chart will have even more slices as we ramp up Android, Windows Phone 7 and NGP output among others."

However, while Tag is spread across multiple platforms, most of its sales seem to come in the west specifically the UK, US and Europe.

"Only around 25 percent of sales come from outwidth these territories so we have work to do in making our games appeal beyond just the UK and the US where it's easier for us to understand customer trends and behaviours," concludes Farley.

"Clearly appealing to European and Asian players is something we need to work on."

Tag Games is no stranger to getting things out in the open, having previously detailed both its biggest successes in 2010, and the five things it got wrong.

[source: Tag Games]