Data & Research

Average iPad app costs $4.67 compared to $3.82 on iPhone

80 percent of iPad apps are paid

Average iPad app costs $4.67 compared to $3.82 on iPhone
Distimo's latest report looks at iPad's first few weeks in the wild, with the analytics firm comparing its performance to that of iPhone.

As you might expect, the two systems are relatively similar, though the firm's findings report that apps on iPad are moderatively more expensive than their iPhone based cousins.

The average on iPad is $4.67 compared to iPhone's $3.82.

Gaming greatness

But, while paid apps are also slightly more dominant on iPad (making up 80 percent of all those on offer compared to 73 percent on iPhone), of most interest is the overwhelming dominance of games on the platform.

There are 1,577 universal and native games on iPad, which represents 32 percent of the total.

However, the majority of these games are universal apps, not games that have been specifically made just for iPad; the so-called HD games such as Flight Control HD.

Advancing App Store

The number of iPad apps is, of course, increasing by the day, with Distimo reporting the total number has grown by 33 percent in the last two weeks alone.

The report can be downloaded for free from Distimo's website.

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