
ngmoco's Neil Young attending GDC 2010

How to unlearn game development techniques

ngmoco's Neil Young attending GDC 2010
With GDC 2010 just around the corner, the conference has revealed its plans for mobile and handheld sessions, prompting ngmoco to do the same.

Founder and leader Neil Young will be hosting a talk on the changes developers need to be aware of as the game development world goes through a radical change in his presentation entitled Things to Unlearn Moving From Traditional Development to the New Digital World.The company's VP of marketing, Clive Downie, will be following this up with a related session focusing on product marketing in the new digital age, while the technical aspects of ngmoco's expertise will be covered by Steve Detwiler and James Marr in two lectures at the inaugural iPhone Games Summit.

To top things off, ngmoco will be presenting a host of new developments in its Plus+ network at GDC 2010.

Yes. Spanner's his real name. And, yes, he's heard that joke before.