
Speaker Spotlight: Industry vet Ariella Lehrer on 35 years in games

PGC Digital #4 kicks off November 9th

Speaker Spotlight: Industry vet Ariella Lehrer on 35 years in games

Pocket Gamer Connects Digital has returned once again, set to bring together some of the finest voices in the games industry and beyond.

PGC Digital #4 takes place on November 9th - 13th. To give you a taste of what to expect, we'll regularly be publishing interviews with the speakers at the show.

The conference spans across five days and will feature a broad selection of tracks, talks and speakers, as well as various fringe events and a new and improved meeting system. For more details on PGC Digital and to book a ticket, head to the website.

Today's spotlight is on industry vet Ariella Lehrer, CEO at Legacy Games. Lehrer has been in games for over 35 years, and founded Legacy back in 1998. She's developed many TV licensed games, spanning franchises including Law & Order, Murder She Wrote and ER, among others. Lehrer will be at PGC Digital #4 to talk about the longevity in games, and the mistakes you should and shouldn't make.

Tell us a bit about your company

Ariella Lehrer: Legacy Games was founded 22 years ago. We both develop internal games as well as publish third party games, in physical retail and digitally. We are currently the largest publisher of CDROM games at Walmart, with 14 SKUs on the shelves of almost 4000 stores this Christmas. We are actively expanding our product offering and our distribution channels, and are looking for new developers to collaborate with who have PC games and want broader distribution, or have mobile games and are looking for a partner to help them exploit PC channels.

What does your role entail?

I am responsible for internal product development and company strategy.

Why did you want to work in the games industry?

I had a graduate degree in cognitive psychology and didn't want to work in academia. I was much more interested in the application of theories in memory and learning to the design and development of software, which is how I launched my career.

What advice would you give to anyone looking to get into it?

Learn as much as you can from each job and move on when you've stopped learning. Safeguard your reputation, especially if you are planning a long career.

What are your thoughts on the industry in the last 12 months?

It's booming, given boredom at home with the pandemic. It's the primary social activity for many folks.

What major trends do you predict in the next 12 months?

Game streaming will become more important commensurate with the availability of 5G.

How has the games industry changed since you first started?

100% change. When I started, we were selling Math Blaster in zip lock bags at Radio Shack.

Which part of the Connects event are you most looking forward to and why?

There are a few presentations I am looking forward to hearing, plus it's great to meet new developers and learn about their products.

Want more?

The full conference schedule is now live, featuring 16 tracks and over 200 expert speakers. You can also check out our other track rundowns and coverage of previous Pocket Gamer Connects conferences ahead of the event itself.

Register for Pocket Gamer Connects Digital #4 today!