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Appier launches new marketing solution to re-engage mobile gamers

“Aictivate is powered by Appier’s tried and tested AI, helping gaming companies recoup lost revenue”
Appier launches new marketing solution to re-engage mobile gamers

Technology firm Appier has launched a new marketing solution designed to help mobile developers re-engage with players.

Aictivate will join Appier’s technology suite and not only help with player retention but look to reduce the cost associated with doing so.

The AI identifies users that are most likely to start playing a game again based on their previous online behaviour.

Aictivate recommends which creative assets will be most likely to encourage players to jump back into the experience and move towards making in-game purchases.

Brain mimics behaviour

“The key to Aictivate is the AI brain that mimics human behaviour with regard to how people start and stop playing games,” said Appier VP of product management Magic Tu.

“Aictivate is powered by Appier’s tried and tested AI, helping gaming companies recoup lost revenue by combing through past user behaviour and determining which people will bring the highest return on investment.

"We look forward to supporting game publishers around the region and to contribute to the growth of this exciting market.”