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Speaker Spotlight: Uplifted's Itai Raveh discusses why UGC can be a game-changer for engaging players

"Tailoring the creative aspect to resonate with the target audience is crucial in the games sector"
Speaker Spotlight: Uplifted's Itai Raveh discusses why UGC can be a game-changer for engaging players

Itai Raveh as the CEO at Uplifted, a platform for creating high-performing, on-brand UGC video ads that put customers in the spotlight, offering a hands-off, end-to-end solution at scale.

Raveh is one of more than 250+ expert speakers delivering 29 conference tracks at Pocket Gamer Connects London on January 22nd to 23rd. We asked Raveh to tell us more about their upcoming talk, entitled 'Marking the Landscape: What Will 2024 Bring for User Acquisition?', as well as get their opinions on the latest industry trends.

What’s the most common mistake you see being made in the games sector?

A frequent misstep I observe is using the wrong creative for ads. Tailoring the creative aspect to resonate with the target audience is crucial in the games sector.

If you could give other mobile games companies one piece of advice, what would it be?

Leverage your users more effectively. Give them a voice and they can become your best marketers. User-generated content can be a game-changer in how you engage and expand your audience.

What do you enjoy most about working in the mobile games industry?

What I enjoy most about working in the mobile games industry is the environment of early adopters who are always eager to experiment and test new ideas.

This industry is exceptionally data-driven, focusing on measurable results, which aligns perfectly with a mindset geared towards scalability. It's a dynamic field where innovation is not just welcomed, but actively pursued, making it an exciting and ever-evolving space to be in.

Can people get in touch with you at the event? What sort of people would you like to connect with?

Absolutely, I'm keen to connect at the event. I'm especially looking forward to meeting performance marketers, brand marketers, CMOs or anyone whose role is tied to customer acquisition.

Let's explore how we can make a significant impact together.

What is one way attendees can prepare for your discussion?

To get the most out of our discussion, I recommend reviewing the type of advertisements you're currently running on platforms like Facebook and TikTok. It will provide valuable context for our conversation on innovative ad strategies.

Meet Itai Raveh at PG Connects London

Not only will you have the chance to see Raveh take part as a speaker at the show, but you can also arrange to meet them at PG Connects London. Our online organiser MeetToMatch is free to all event attendees, connecting you directly with more than 2,500 decision makers from the global games industry.

As well as the 29-track conference schedule, the two-day event also features a series of side-events like The Very Big Indie Pitch, Publisher SpeedMatch, Investor Connector and a host of other networking opportunities all aimed at helping you level up your skills and business.

Book your tickets now!