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Jobs available! Come and work with the Pocket Gamer family

Flexible entry-level contracts are available on our websites and events now
Jobs available! Come and work with the Pocket Gamer family

Ready to start your career in the b2b games industry media? We have a couple of contract roles open that are ideal for people who want to join our team of content creators, both on the journalism and conference side of the business.

The various Pocket Gamer brands are all part of UK company Steel Media, a leading publisher and events coordinator which has been running market-defining websites and games industry activities since 2006. The company is small but ambitious, international and flexible. Most of the team work remotely, so location is not an issue as long as you can communicate with us and our partners during UK work hours. Since 2019, Steel Media has been part of Enthusiast Gaming, the largest games community network in North America and the UK.

So, what could you work on with us? This very website is looking for an eager new Staff Writer to cover the games business beat. And we need an Event Content Assistant to help with the planning of the talks and panels at our professional conferences.

B2B Staff Writer

We’re looking for a junior writer to plan, compose and promote content for the leading mobile b2b editorial brand. Much of this will be written news for the site, but will also include other types of journalism, plus contributing to activities like the Top 50 list booklets, round-tables, podcasts, and events like Pocket Gamer Connects. This is a good starting role for a business writer, with an interest in the people, companies and projects which form the backbone of the games industry. reports directly to the industry on all things mobile gaming, delivering the biggest news, features and interviews to get the inside scoop on what makes this multi-billion business tick. It is the job of the editorial team to create news, features, interviews, event coverage and other items in this space, and provide utility to professionals who work in the sector.

Join us and develop your journalism skill, plus attend events live and online.
Join us and develop your journalism skill, plus attend events live and online.

This is a full-time contract/freelance role where you’ll work with the editorial team to report on the news (and create other content as directed, including conduct interviews and features if necessary) as well as other day-to-day tasks, both editorial, events-based and administrative as needed by the site. As well as writing daily content for the site, as a member of the editorial team, you will support the industry event activities run by the company and build editorial opportunities to engage the website audience in these events.

Event Content Assistant

We need somebody to help support our Event Content Manager in sourcing, organising and briefing the speakers for our events. Steel Media hosts regular b2b conferences that educate and connect the global games industry. They bring the games industry together, either online or in cities around the world, for talks, panels and networking.

We love to organise panels and seek out the best speakers from around the world.
We love to organise panels and seek out the best speakers from around the world.

It’s a great opportunity to learn from the Event Content Manager and discover how this part of the business runs, across a few hours a week. It’s a part-time, work-from-anywhere role, supporting the event team - a chance to get involved in a leading series of b2b games industry conferences.

PG Connects conferences have grown steadily since launching in 2014.
PG Connects conferences have grown steadily since launching in 2014.

You will be responsible for the research and administration of our event series, assisting the Event Content Manager with the planning of the scheduled content, and contacting potential speakers to manage their participation. This will include a high level of administration and email management – across multiple events at times – and you’ll need the ability to engage with multiple potential speakers while maintaining a proactive approach to finalising the best conference content.

You can find out more about either of these jobs at the above links, or email our COO ( with more questions or to apply directly.

There are jobs with other companies in the games industry listed here too.