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Microsoft puts $500k behind tech training for students of colour

Publisher enters partnership with Black Girls Code to improve STEM education
Microsoft puts $500k behind tech training for students of colour
Date Type Companies Involved Size
Jul 30, 2018 investment Microsoft $0.5m

Microsoft is investing half a million dollars in two initiatives centred on coding and technology training for students of colour.

The firm will partner with Black Girls Code, a non-profit created by Kimberly Bryant that creates coding clubs for pre-teen girls of colour.

Microsoft’s investment will be used to set up a chapter of the organisation in it’s own backyard, Seattle.

Eliminating race-based disparity

Microsoft is also furthering its existing support of Technology Access Foundation. The foundation was set up in 1997 by former Microsoft exec Trish Millines Dziko.

Initially an out-of-school program for students of colour, TAF has since opened its own school and provides consultancy on eliminating race-based disparity in academic achievements.

Our sister-site has more on the story.