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Mintegral launches Smart Video Capture and Editor for Playturbo

The feature allows advertisers to create multiple ads at once while easing localisation
Mintegral launches Smart Video Capture and Editor for Playturbo

Mintegral, a subsidiary of Mobvista, has announced the launch of the Smart Video Capture and Editor feature for its Playturbo brand.

Video ads have proven successful in user acquisition, however many marketers continue to struggle with the creation process, which can prove to be a significant hurdle for game makers hoping to scale. For example, design teams have to play the same game on multiple devices and make variations with many different assets such as game mechanics and colours. The new editor seeks to ease this process, allowing developers to record numerous variations and enabling iterative creative production.

“With the rise of cross-regional marketing campaigns, video ads are an essential tool for reaching your audience wherever they happen to be,” wrote the company. “In spite of years of video ad development, many marketers struggle with time-consuming video ad creation processes - a bottleneck that poses a significant challenge to scalability.

“We've developed a new suite of tools that put an end to slow editing processes. Now, Playturbo gives developers the ability to record multiple gameplay variations with one click, and batch edit video ad creative without fuss.”

Additionally, the feature eases the process of editing, uploading, and exporting video creatives.

"The three main pillars of the Playturbo platform allow for a massive decrease in time spent on playable creative production. Our screen recorder, video editor, and playable editor (including over 200 playable templates) allow designers to make a playable in ~10 minutes without ever having to write one line of code," said Mobvista vice president of global partnerships Greg Castro

How does it work?

Smart Video Capture and Editor allows developers to record numerous gameplay scenes with no installing, coding, or switching devices, saving a significant amount of time and effort. Additionally, developers can quickly combine various snippets and live-action characters, among other assets, giving them control to find the best performing variants through constant A/B testing, optimising user acquisition.

The feature also allows for quick localisation, with auto-generated subtitles, dubbing, and multi-language translation, which Mintegral hopes will allow game makers to quickly advertise their products in various markets worldwide.

In July, Mintegral debuted its Playable Ad Editor, allowing advertisers to create their own ads from scratch without the need for coding.