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SuperScale raises $5.4m in Series A funding round

The scaling firm raised €5 million as part of the funding
SuperScale raises $5.4m in Series A funding round
Date Type Companies Involved Size
Jun 27, 2023 investment SuperScale $5.4m

Revenue growth firm SuperScale has raised $5.4m as part of a series A funding round, led by Venture to Future Fund.

Other participants in the funding round included Across Private Investments and Zero One Hundred. This is also the first major funding round conducted by the company since 2020. SuperScale plan to utilise the funding to scale their revenue-growth services, with which they have previously worked with publishers such as EA, Fingersoft - creators of Hill Climb Racing - and Big Fish Games.

CEO and founder of SuperScale, Ivan Trancik commented “For nearly 10 years SuperScale has been quietly gaining traction with its unique blend of data and professional services - combined with a 'grow games or go home' approach. In 2023, it's arguably more difficult than ever for companies to scale their games, so it felt like time to expand the scope and depth of our services to support more developers and publishers to succeed. This funding endorses the incredible hard work of our team, and will help us hit major milestones in our ambitious roadmap as we drive rapid growth for SuperScale and our customers alike.”

CEO at Across Private Investments, Peter Jakubička, added his own thoughts. “SuperScale offers an ingenious blend of scalable technology and an expert team which combine to create something unique and remarkable in the market today. It has an innovative yet robust business model which is ideal for the current economic climate both globally and within the games industry specifically. We couldn't be more excited to make this investment into Ivan and the SuperScale team. It has been a privilege for Across to be a part of this unique and once in a generation opportunity emerging in our region.”

A win for revenue growth

At this point it appears that SuperScale sees a major business opportunity in scaling their revenue-growth services. This is unsurprising as many companies are knuckling down and concentrating on further monetising and growing their existing games. Companies such as Playtika have halted active development on new titles to instead focus on their existing catalogue, and this is one niche that SuperScale can easily exploit.

They also intend to further their “Venture Publishing” approach, which sees them invest in customer’s games and take on responsibility for marketing, monetization and live ops.