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King to release two non-Candy Crush titles in 2016

Group synergies
King to release two non-Candy Crush titles in 2016

Following the $5.9 billion acquisition, it looks like Activision Blizzard and King are getting a little bit more open about how the companies will generate future synergies.

In a recent financial call, King's CEO Riccardo Zacconi commented:

"We have now new opportunities to create even greater games for our massive player network by combining Activision Blizzard's top-performing IPs on console and PC with our mobile expertise."

What's next?

That's a little vague, of course, but he did go onto to say that King plans to release two non-Candy Crush franchises in 2016: one in summer and another later this year.

Whether one of those will be an Activision Blizzard IP seems unlikely, given the development time required for even mobile games these days.

However, we recently reported King had soft-launched its first midcore title Hero, which has since been pulled from Google Play.