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HQ Trivia makes its return a month after cancellation

The private investor is unnamed
HQ Trivia makes its return a month after cancellation

Mobile game show HQ Trivia has made its return after being shut down last month.

As announced on Twitter (below) – via HQ co-founder Rus Yusupov – the show made its comeback at 9PM ET on March 30th. The Verge reported that a private investor acquired the company. However, they have chosen to remain unnamed.

"Yo. You heard? @hqtrivia is back tonight at 9PM eastern. Download the app now," said host Matt Richards on Twitter.

"Also if you've been waiting to cash out, you'll be able to this week."

Those who watched what was thought to be HQ Trivia's last show might remember that Richards and his co-presenter – Anna Roisman – were drunk as a skunk. It was a sight to behold, as the pair used language to make a sailor blush while begging for more job opportunities.

It's alive

Last month, HQ Trivia appeared to have met its maker after three years due to lead investors backing out over a loss in popularity. However, during that time, the game show did accumulate 15 million downloads.

Before being shut down and revived in the space of a month, HQ Trivia had dealt with its fair share of troubles, including the passing of its co-founder and CEO Colin Kroll in December 2018.

Furthermore, in April 2019, the game show lost its host Scott Rogowsky – he left due to issues growing in the company. On top of that, 20 per cent of the staff was laid off in July 2019.