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Discover the MENA Top 30 Game Makers 2022 list

Our exclusive rundown of the best game makers in the region will be revealed on December 1st in Riyadh
Discover the MENA Top 30 Game Makers 2022 list

Throughout October we celebrated MENA month over here at, where we highlighted the strength and growth of the mobile gaming industry in the Middle East and North Africa region.

On December 1, 2022 at the PGC Leaders Summit in Saudi Arabia, we’ll be celebrating the region further with the reveal of our list of the Top 30 MENA Game Makers.

Each year the Top Lists provide a guide to the best games companies in various sectors, but this is the first time that we will be unveiling a Top 30 list specifically for the Middle East and North Africa, identifying the most notable and influential game makers located in the region.

The list will be a guide to the movers and shakers in the games industry's fastest-growing region. It will celebrate both long-established and new companies, and shine a light on the great development work being done in Arabic-speaking territories. Places on it will no doubt be hotly contested, so make sure you get your nomination in soon!

Join us in Riyadh

Right now, the team is looking back over the last few months and deciding which game makers and supporting companies we think deserve to be in the spotlight. Whilst we already have our eyes on several key studios, in such a vibrant and rapidly evolving sector, there's always something new out there.

If you think your company deserves a spot in the Pocket Gamer MENA Top 30 Game Makers of 2022, make sure you are on our radar by completing the nomination form and giving us some extra details to consider as we put the list together.

If you would like to be present when the final results are revealed, why not register a ticket to the Leaders Summit and join us in Riyadh? 

Meet with innovative companies and leaders to explore key opportunities in the MENA region this November at Pocket Gamer Connects Jordan and the PGC Leaders Summit Riyadh. For more information on our upcoming MENA events and media activities, see here.