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The hard data behind Supercell’s decision to can Rush Wars

Sensor Tower spills the beans
The hard data behind Supercell’s decision to can Rush Wars

Supercell has demonstrated its ruthless focus on quality with the announcement it’s killing Rush Wars after three months in soft launch.

It commented:

“Here at Supercell, we have extraordinarily high standards for our games. We want to be sure that each game we release will be played for years and remembered forever.

"Unfortunately, we felt that even if we continued working on Rush Wars, we wouldn’t hit this goal.”

Won't spend

But, thanks to data from Sensor Tower, we can get a second opinion on exactly how the game was failing.

It estimates Rush Wars was downloaded 393,000 times, generating $312,000 in revenues from IAPs.

That works out at $0.80 per download.

Of course, the game was still in development, and no doubt could have been further honed to improve its monetisation.

Nevertheless, recent comparative figures such as Coin Master’s $6.20 generated per download demonstrates just how much work would have been required.
