
Nominations for the Pocket Gamer Mobile Games Awards 2024 are live!

Make sure your favourites take home the trophies. Submissions for all 22 categories is now open and closes on June 17th

Nominations for the Pocket Gamer Mobile Games Awards 2024 are live!

If you got through April by cowering in a corner with only the soothing embrace of a luxurious fleece blanket for comfort because you concluded we'd ditched the Pocket Gamer Mobile Games Awards, we have news. Not only are they still very much happening, the nomination phase has in fact just gone live and submissions are now being accepted.

The only thing that has changed is that we've moved the event from its usual April slot to a new summer spot: August 20th, to be precise, which slaps the awards just before the start of this year's Gamescom. Oh, and it might be useful to know they're happening alongside the show in Cologne, rather than their traditional London location.

Blame Brexit.

(Sorry – that joke never gets old.)

Anyway, timing and location apart, one thing that won't be changing is our awards' critical mission of shining the brightest of spotlights on the very best of our industry.

Which is where you come in. We need YOUR nominations across this year's 22 categories (see below). Yes, anything released, actioned, and achieved that impressed, engrossed, astounded, or humbled is ideal candidate material.

If you love it, we want to reward it

So long as it falls within a January 2023 to June 2024 timeframe (an extension on the typical 12-month window given this year's new date), it's all good.

Aside from the stability that the nominations process brings, we've also kept things unchanged when it comes to the voting element. Once we've processed all your submissions and conjured up a shortlist, expect to be able to cast your vote to help select the winners.

But we're getting ahead of ourselves…

How do you nominate?

It's simple. Head to the Pocket Gamer Mobile Games Awards website and fill in the form for the relevant awards you'd like to submit for.

It can be your game, team, product, service, or - if you're feeling equitable - why not reward and congratulate another company's efforts?

Nominations close midnight (BST) on June 17th

This year's 22 awards are:

  1. Pocket Gamer People's Choice [nominations now open]
  2. Best Advertising & UA Service
  3. Best Analytics/Data Tool
  4. Best Storytelling
  5. Best Payment Service Provider [new for 2024]
  6. Best Game Engine/Creation Platform [revised for 2024]
  7. Best Audio/Visual Accomplishment
  8. Best Service Provider
  9. Best Tool Provider
  10. Best Developer
  11. Rising Star
  12. Best Live Ops
  13. Best QA & Localisation Service Provider
  14. Best PR/Marketing Team
  15. Best Indie Developer
  16. Best App Store [revised for 2024]
  17. Best Business Support Service [new for 2024]
  18. Best Publisher
  19. Best AI Games Tech [revised for 2024]
  20. Most Impactful Web3 Company
  21. Game of the Year
  22. Mobile Legend

Are you eligible?

If you’re in the games industry, you can nominate (visit to have your say). Should submissions fall outside of the eligibility parameters (detailed in the category descriptions), those entries will be omitted from the next phase.

And don't forget that nominations for the Pocket Gamer Mobile Games Awards are only open for submissions until midnight (BST) on Monday June 17th!

We'll keep you updated with details of our Cologne location for the awards ceremony as that August 20th date edges closer, but save the date, as tickets will be available soon!

For sponsorship details, please contact Steel Media CEO Chris James at