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iPhone game Sea Battle Classic updates bypass App Store approval

Changes made through online server not through Apple
iPhone game Sea Battle Classic updates bypass App Store approval

While Apple isn't infallible when it comes to the App Store approval (and rejection) system, it's never taken kindly to attempts by developers to bypass its policies.

Developer Alena Kurulenko has apparently figured out a system for iPhone Battleships-style game Sea Battle Classic that draws the game data from an online server, however, and allows the application to receive immediate updates without the need for Apple's involvement.

This backdoor update system goes beyond adding new levels to the simple online multiplayer strategy game, and even allows the developer to change the game's interface remotely and without need for resubmission to the App Store.

Quite what Apple thinks of this is unknown, but if it proves successful it's not at all unlikely that other developers will follow suit - if only to manage their release schedule more accurately.