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Hook into the Japanese market with cross-promotion platform AppExTrade

Now available through a Unity plug-in
Hook into the Japanese market with cross-promotion platform AppExTrade

Want to gain reach in the lucrative Japanese market?

Well, mobile advertising outfit Zucks is on hand with its AppExTrade platform.

Similar to the likes of Chartboost and AppFlood in the west, it's a Japanese-focused cross-promotion platform, offering free cross-promotion (both internal and external), and a non-incentivised install/user acquisition network.

Part of the process

The basic ad unit is a full screen interstitial, with Zucks claiming it generates a click-through-rate of over 11 percent and a conversion rate of over 15 percent.

Supporting iOS and Android, Zucks has recently added a Unity plug-in too, making it easier to integrate the 10 lines of code that make up its SDK.

"Developers are finding it harder get the ROI they hoped for on their boost campaigns because of rising competition," Zucks points out.

"For that reasons, we're seeing a big shift to continual non-incentivised CPC/CPI campaigns, especially for games."

You can find out more via the AppExTrade website, or register here.

