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Sega leading publisher initiative to create a cross-promotion network in Japan

Looking to build their own UA mine

Business daily The Nikkei is reporting that 15 Japanese mobile games companies are planning to work together to market their games using their own cross-promotion network.

The report suggests the plan is to push gamers from one game to the next via a web of advertisements the companies will implant into their games, much as already happens in third-party networks like Chartboost and Zuck's AppExTrade.

The Nikkei points to a closer enemy however; the two big Japanese social mobile networks GREE and DeNA's Mobage, not to mention upstart messaging systems like LINE.

Big players

The scale of the project is highlighted by the fact that gaming giants Sega, Capcom, and Taito (part of Square Enix) are involved, with Sega allegedly leading the initiative.

The Nikkei also reports that plans are currently in place to recruit another 15 companies to the cause, in an attempt to boost the number of mobile gamers the advertisements would reach to roughly 40 million.

There is no word yet as to when - or even if - the cross-promotion network will be launched, though it is understood that a promotional website will be going live in Japan this fall.

[Source: Serkan Toto]