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Personagraph and WWO bring private marketplace to Indian mobile ad market

Transparency data-driven approach
Personagraph and WWO bring private marketplace to Indian mobile ad market
Date Type Companies Involved Size
Apr 30, 2015 partnership Personagraph Reliance Games Not disclosed

World Wide Open (WWO), Reliance Entertainment’s online advertising arm, has forged a new partnership with Personograph.

Based in Silicon Valley, Personagraph specialises in helping companies understand their users’ interests using technology that claims to improve UA, engagement, retention and monetization.

Together, the two firms will now bring a data and audience-driven mobile advertising Private Marketplace (PMP) to mobile developers in India.

A PMP is a smart ad exchange platform that provides marketers with selective ad inventory which they can use to access brands and audiences.

Increased transparency

The WWO-Personograph PMP will allow the mobile ad industry to bypass India’s old ad network model, which makes it difficult for developers to fully understand how marketers value their impressions.

“The opportunity for marketers to plug in to an audience driven transparent marketplace is huge, eventually driving the publisher side of the ecosystem which is key for mobile growth in India", said Mandar Shinde, head of advertising at Personagraph.