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Join our PG Mobile Mixer at ChinaJoy 2015

And stick around for the Superhero Party...
Join our PG Mobile Mixer at ChinaJoy 2015

Going to be at ChinaJoy on July 30? You should probably join us for our PG Mobile Mixer, then.

Taking place from 6pm at Shanghai's Blue Frog Bar & Grill, sponsored by Immersion and in partnership with YeahMobi, it's the perfect way to relax after a hard day's work, as well as a chance to hob-nob with some other members of the industry over a few beers.

After a brief presentation by our sponsors you'll get to unwind with like-minded folk and likely make a few new contacts while you're at it.

And if you're feeling up for a good time after a few drinks, then stick around for the YeahMobi & Pocket Gamer Superhero Party. Click here to sign-up.

Kicking (and punching) off at 8pm at the same venue, it's an Avengers-themed affair featuring cosplayers dressed as the Marvel characters.

If that isn't enough enticement, there'll be goodies such as the limited edition Iron Man Samsung Galaxy S6 handset to potentially get your hands on.

And how much will all this evening's entertainment cost you? Not a thing. All you need do is grab a free ticket from the event page and bring a business card on the day.

Free entry, free booze, a party, and superheroes – what more could you want? Let's assemble in Shanghai at the Blue Frog Bar on July 30.