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How best to monetise freemium gamers, according to Google

IAPs are not the only way
How best to monetise freemium gamers, according to Google

As part of Pocket Gamer Connects Bangalore 2015, Sergio Salvador, the Global Head of Gaming Monetisation Partnerships at Google, gave a talk on IAPs and monetisation.

Specifically, Salvador spoke about how to make the most of the 97% of users who don't make use of IAPs, namely through advertising.

Incentivise to monetise

He suggests that some of those users are just on the fence, and recommends developers "incentivise those users with virtual currency, to try to encourage them to start buying in-app purchases."

For the remaining users who can't be encouraged, he recommends Google's own AdMob, and goes on to show off its many advantages to developers.


You can see all our videos from Pocket Gamer Connects Bangalore 2015 in this YouTube Playlist.