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What makes a game an "indie game"?

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What makes a game an

At Pocket Gamer Connects Bangalore 2015, a panel of indie developers sat down to talk about what we mean when we talk about "indie."

Oscar Clark, a consultant and evangelist at Unity Technologies, was joined by Marina Mello, commercial director at Bossa Studios, Thorbjörn Warin, Director of Monetisation & Business Development Europe at AdColony, and indie darling Mike Bithell.

"Indies are not McDonalds"

Warin claims that indie games are a genre more than a business practice, saying that they are "games that take risks."

"Indies are not McDonalds. Iindies are cool little restaurants on street corners that make weird food."

Bithell also makes the point that the term "indie" tends to evolve, pointing to Ubisoft's Valiant Hearts as a game that, while backed by publisher funding, could still be called "indie" based on its content.


You can see all our videos from Pocket Gamer Connects Bangalore 2015 in this YouTube Playlist.