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What does indie mean in India any way?

What they think about how they think
What does indie mean in India any way?

At Pocket Gamer Connects Bangalore 2015, Unity Technologies' Oscar Clark led a panel of designers in a discussion of indie design philosophy, with particular emphasis on Indian indies. 

Joining him were Shailesh Prabhu, founder and director of Yellow Monkey Studios; Vlad Micu, founder of VGVisionary; and Colin Waurzyniak, a game design instructor at Rubika Supinfogame.

Two sides of the same coin

Prabhu suggested that there are two sides to the philosophy, with one side focused on indie as a genre, and another side who are indie in structure and nature.

Waurzyniak agreed with the latter suggestion, saying that "by and large it is a factor of a team's limitations."

The panel also thought that Indian indies had a structural advantage in terms of their much lower operating costs. This means they should be able to take bigger risks than European and US developers. 


You can see all our videos from Pocket Gamer Connects Bangalore 2015 in this YouTube Playlist.