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Announcing support for Unity and Unreal Engine, Chukong spins out SDKBOX

Mobile services framework goes solo
Announcing support for Unity and Unreal Engine, Chukong spins out SDKBOX

Chinese mobile publisher Chukong has announced it's spinning out its SDKBOX platform.

Originally part of the open source Cocos2d-x game development technology, SDKBOX enables many analytics, UA, monetisation, advertising an compliance services from thirdparty vendors to be integrated into mobile games.

It currently supports services from companies such as AdMob, Google, Chartboost, Vungle, Flurry, AdColony, Fyber, InMobi, Bee7, AgeCheq and Scientific Revenue.

The framework has been used by over 4,500 games on over 20 million mobile devices.

Gaining independence

"Spinning off SDKBOX was the next logical step for scaling the business within the games industry," commented Chukong CEO Haozhi Chen.

"This move provides more autonomy for SDKBOX to support additional engines and grow market share in the live operations technology market for games.

"Additionally, the new company will have dedicated financial and strategic support from Chukong, and we're looking forward to the future growth of this sector for our overall business."

As part of the rollout, SDKBOX's IAP Controller now supports Unity and Unreal Engine.

"With the spin off of SDKBOX as a standalone entity, we'll be better positioned to focus resources and provide the widening spectrum of services that developers need to be competitive in the market," commented head of operations Kai Zhao.

You can find out more information on SDKBOX via its website.