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China-based Shunwei Capital to invest $2 million in Indian developer Mech Mocha

Studio hoping to raise $4 million overall
China-based Shunwei Capital to invest $2 million in Indian developer Mech Mocha

China-based VC Shunwei Capital is reportedly planning on investing $2 million in India-based mobile game developer Mech Mocha.

The developer is looking to raise between $3 million and $4 million in funding. As well as reported interest from Shunwei Capital, Accel India is also believed to be investing in the studio as part of the investment round.

"We are in talks with multiple investors, we have conversations going on but nothing has been closed or confirmed yet," said Mech Mocha co-founder Arpita Kapoor.

"It's very early stage and we are still figuring out our strategy but we will be targeting games for the Indian market."

Getting into the game

Shunwei Capital was founded by Xiaomi founder Lei Jun. The manufacturer has seen significant growth in India, having recently hitting a milestone of $1 billion in revenues generated in the region.

Mech Mocha is an India-based developer which makes games designed specifically for India. It previously raised $1 million in December 2015.

[Source: Economic Times]