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Vodafone Mobile Clicks contest now available to UK developers

€150,000 on offer to best mobile internet service
Vodafone Mobile Clicks contest now available to UK developers

For the first time Vodafone is opening up its Mobile Clicks content to UK developers, which offers an impressive €150,000 to the best idea for a new mobile site or service.

"As a judge for this year's Vodafone Mobile Clicks competition, I'm very excited at the prospect of seeing what Britain's talented mobile internet developers have to offer," says Helen Keegan, a specialist in mobile marketing, advertising and media.

"It's a great opportunity for developers and folks with good ideas for mobile internet applications to win the cash to deliver and develop those ideas further. The entry criteria are straightforward and as long as you're over 18, resident in the UK or Netherlands and are in a start-up or are planning to form a start-up with your idea then you pretty much qualify to enter."

The content has previously run in the Netherlands, where winners include Nulaz (a location-based social networking service that lets people see where their friends are, share locations and view local information), events guide Tipspot, and Map the Gap (an idea-sharing application for mobile phones).

The deadline was initially set for 22nd May, though it's apparently been extended (to what, I'm afraid we don't know). Head on over to the official Vodafone Mobile Clicks site for more info and an entry form.