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One million free downloads boosts Mega Jump's revenues 170%

Another viral success story
One million free downloads boosts Mega Jump's revenues 170%

Many games can generate decent daily download numbers, but going viral and increasing downloads a hundred-fold seems to be what's required for App Store success these days. 

No wonder Aurora Feint is so keen to talk about the successes its OpenFeint Free Game of the Day promotional set-up has enabled, with Get Set Games' Mega Jump the latest title to benefit.

According to Aurora Feint, Mega Jump which usually retails at 99c saw activity leap from 2,500 downloads a day to 1 million over the course of its three day free period on the site.

The game hit the #1 spot in 25 countries as a result, but it was the downloads that followed once the promo was over that have been of the greatest benefit revenue growing by 170 percent over the following 3 weeks when the price was raised back to 99c.

This suggests the rate had jumped to 7,000 downloads per day.

Jumping for Joy

"Free Game of the Day was a great experience for Get Set Games," said co-founder Derek van Vliet.

"We knew we’d get a bump in sales, but wanted to test this theory. The promotion was an amazing success. It’s been a great ride for our studio and has dramatically increased our revenue stream."

Aurora Feint claims Mega Jump is just one of many winners from its Free Game of the Day service, with 13 of the 30 games it featured in May reaching the top 25 in the US App Store.