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75 per cent of iPhone users download applications

While 98 per cent make regular use of data services
75 per cent of iPhone users download applications

Nielsen has been compiling figures on US iPhone users, to determine how the estimated 6.4 million owners make use of their device.

Typically, around 15 per cent of mobile users download games and applications to their handsets, which is a very reasonable number given the tech-savvy nature of the practice.

But the report shows that closer to 75 per cent of iPhone users are downloading applications to their devices. While the reason behind this massive difference in online activity is clearly due to the accessibility of the App Store, the report uncovers a couple of other details that could shed light on the matter.

It seems the most populated age range for iPhone users isn't the expected 18-24 demographic (making up 13 per cent of users), but 35-54 (at 36 per cent). Ages 55+ even outweigh the younger audience, making up 17 per cent of total users.

That the iPhone has captured that elusive, yet valuable, mature market is key to its success. This is an age range that typically has more disposable income, though it's traditionally less likely to adopt new technology so quickly.

Across the age ranges, however, it seems that all iPhone owners are making regular use of its data features a factor that's undoubtedly helping to integrate iPhone usage into people's everyday lives, and that's going to make it immensely difficult for new devices to displace.