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iPhone gamers more likely to remember adverts

So says a survey from Brightkite and Gfk
iPhone gamers more likely to remember adverts

iPhone owners are nearly twice as likely to remember seeing adverts within games than non-iPhone owners, according to a new survey conducted by Brightkite and Gfk.

Specifically, 7.1 per cent of iPhone users surveyed remembered seeing ads in games, versus 3.7 per cent of non-iPhone users.

It's not a huge surprise - there are already a decent number of ad-supported iPhone games, whose free prices make them popular. By contrast on regular handsets, if users haven't heard about sites like GameJump or Hovr, they're much less likely to have encountered ads within games.

Even so, the results will doubtless be seized upon as more proof that there's a viable market in making ad-supported free games for iPhone - although more info on how many people clicked on these ads will obviously be required, too.

The same survey revealed that 28.4 per cent of iPhone users recall seeing ads on mobile websites, compared to 10.7 per cent of non-iPhone users. More stats can be found at eMarketer's article revealing the results.