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Official Chinese iPhone sales creep up to 200,000

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Official Chinese iPhone sales creep up to 200,000

As part of Apple's (NASDAQ:AAPL) disclosure over its Q1 FY10 figures for the three months ending December 26th, 2009, COO Tim Cook revealed the company had sold 200,000 iPhones through official partner China Unicom.

An official Chinese iPhone 3GS cost about £630 [$1,030] and is wi-fi deactivated to comply with Ministry of Industry and Information Technology regulations.

It's thought around 2 million wi-fi enabled iPhones have been imported into China via the grey market however.

Sales throughout Asia have been more impressive with Apple's revenue in Japan up 57 percent to $285 million, and sales of iPhones up 400 percent.

Overall, Apple said iPhone sales in the Asia Pacific market were up 500 percent.

[source: mocoNews]