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11% of US consumers aiming to purchase iPad by February

Sales not slowing down
11% of US consumers aiming to purchase iPad by February

It would appear the suggestion that iPad 2 might be on the horizon is having little impact on the steady and strong sales of its predecessor.

That's according to the results of a Christmas consumer survey by the NPD Group.

The company's findings, presented via a 'fact sheet', suggest 11 percent of US consumers are likely to purchase an iPad by February the very month some commentators believe iPad 2 production will ramp up ready for launch.

Courting consumers

NPD also claims that the wi-fi only models are proving the most popular with consumers, its stats suggesting 58 percent of all US consumers have so far resisting paying the extra money for 3G equipped iPads.

Regardless, the firm's figures tie in with optimistic projections for iPad sales into 2011.

Some analysts believe Apple will manufacture just short of 50 million units across the course of the year almost four times shipment projections for 2010 although the majority produced will be iPad 2, rather than the original iPad.

[source: Apple Insider]