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Apple signs up three suppliers as iPad 2 looks set for Q1 2011 debut

It's that time again
Apple signs up three suppliers as iPad 2 looks set for Q1 2011 debut

Given Apple has a habit of releasing products at roughly the same time every year, you don't need to be a Wall St. analyst to predict an early 2011 release for the next iteration of iPad.

However, adding some weight to such speculation is DigiTimes, with the site claiming Apple is already busy planning lining up suppliers for iPad 2's roll out.

The site states three are already on board for the tablet's launch, which it claims has been given the fairly wide release window of Q1 2011.

Supplier central

DigiTimes cites Ibiden, Tripod Technology and TTM Technologie as initial iPad 2 suppliers based on info from unnamed sources, with four more expected to join the roster as manufacturing ramps up in February.

All three are said to have received certification from Apple and are due to start shipping any-layer HDI boards in small quantities from December.

As for specs, a front-facing camera for FaceTime has been rumoured for some time, while Patently Apple has previously reported that it's possible iPad 2 might be able to dock in landscape mode thanks to an additional 30 pin connector on the left side of the tablet.
