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App Store customers have downloaded 18 billion apps

As Apple pay out $3 billion to devs
App Store customers have downloaded 18 billion apps

Speaking at Apple's Let's Talk iPhone press event, Apple's Scott Forstall summed up how the App Store represents the number one store for mobile apps.

The total number of app downloads is currently 18 billion, which represents a jump of three billion since the last known figure of 15 billion in July. It also represents over 1 billion downloads per month.

Still, it's been predicted that Android app downloads will overtake iOS for the first time in 2011. 

I need a dollar

Apple has also payed out $3 billion to developers, whilst taking its own cut ($1.3 billion), of course.

Forstall also highlighted the total number of apps at more than 500,000 with 120,000 of those being specifically designed for the iPad.

Also at the event, Tim Cook outlined how iPhone 4 represented more than half of all iPhones sold.

[source: Engadget]