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Two weeks on, and 30% of Windows Phone users are now running Mango

I'm a WP7 app stats poll 93,000 users
Two weeks on, and 30% of Windows Phone users are now running Mango

It's taken Android version 2.3, better known as Gingerbread, almost a year to penetrate 39 percent of the platform's userbase.

The latest update to Windows Phone, however, has taken little over a week to tap up 30 percent of users.

That's if stats released by social app ...I'm a WP7! are anything to go by.

Mighty Mango

The app, which looks to link gamers and developers together around one central hub, claims Windows Phone 7.5 is running of 30 percent of its network, which covers more than 93,000.

That's up from the 20 percent of its then 83,000 strong userbase it polled six days previously.

Not only is that good news for Microsoft, which is looking to have the whole transition done and dusted before the end of October, but it also suggests users are taking it upon themselves to push the upgrade through via a nifty Zune trick to aid Mango's ascent.

7.5's predecessor NoDo, however, naturally remains the biggest player, with 51 percent of all devices.

[source: WPCentral]