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Windows Phone Marketplace hits 40,000 apps in 13 months, devs adding over 1,000 a week

Games most popular with 15% share
Windows Phone Marketplace hits 40,000 apps in 13 months, devs adding over 1,000 a week

Little over a year since the platform was first launched, unofficial stats suggest Microsoft's Windows Phone Marketplace now boasts more than 40,000 apps.

That's up from the 30,000 total the marketplace hit back in August, with the store's average since launch coming in at around 3,077 new apps a month.

Moving with Mango

As Windows Phone cements its place on the shop shelves, however, that's a rate of growth that's naturally on the rise.

The figures, as published by All About Windows Phone, suggests Windows Phone Marketplace's weekly total now comfortably tops 1,000 new apps, having reached a peak back in the middle of October a surge that coincided with the roll out of the latest OS update Mango.

Game on

In terms of categories, both games and books & reference apps are the most common on store, each boasting a 15 percent share.

In terms of actual app numbers, that works out at around 6,000 games in total - 1,000 up on the platform's total back in August.

[source: All About Windows Phone]