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Samsung ousts Nokia to become world's top mobile manufacturer

8 year run comes to an end, claims IDC
Samsung ousts Nokia to become world's top mobile manufacturer

Nokia's shift away from Symbian has allowed its competitors to erode its lead, according to the latest numbers published by IDC, with Samsung replacing its rival to become the world's top mobile manufacturer.

The Finnish firm's transition to Windows Phone which, naturally, has resulted in its mobile shipments falling back over the course of the last year mean its eight year run at the top of IDC's charts is over.

Samsung's achievement should not be underestimated, however, with IDC claiming its newfound position is a reflection of its gains in the smartphone market over the past two years.

Super Samsung

"The halcyon days of rapid growth in the smartphone market have been good to Samsung," said senior research analyst Kevin Restivo.

"Samsung has used its established relationships with carriers in a mix of economically diverse markets to gain share organically and at the expense of former high fliers such as Nokia."

In all, IDC claims Samsung shipped 42.2 million smartphones throughout the course of the last quarter, putting it ahead of Apple on 35.1 million.

Nokia is still in the game, however, with just under 12 million units shipped during the same period.

Two at the top

"The race between Apple and Samsung remained tight during the quarter, even as both companies posted growth in key areas," concluded senior research analyst Ramon Llamas.

"Apple launched its popular iPhone 4S in additional key markets, most notably in China, and Samsung experienced continued success from its Galaxy Note smartphone/tablet and other Galaxy smartphones.

"With other companies in the midst of major strategic transitions, the contest between Apple and Samsung will bear close observation as hotly-anticipated new models are launched."

In all, IDC claims mobile shipments actually declined by 1.5 percent year on year, coming in at a total of 398.4 million units.

Worldwide smartphone shipments grew 42.5 percent compared to Q1 2011, however, hitting 144.9 million units equal to around 36 percent of all shipments across the quarter.

[source: IDC]