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More than half of mobile devs moonlight to pay the bills

North American stats reveal all

An increasing number of mobile developers see the business of developing apps as a 'sideline', earning their main crust in jobs elsewhere.

That's according to a study published by Evans Data, which suggests more than half of mobile developers in North America now work full time in software at other companies.

Working 9 to 5?

"We see lots of evidence that the bulk of those apps are being developed by the same developers who write traditional software for many types of companies as their day job," stated Evans Data.

"Almost one-third say they like the idea of creating an app, selling it and making money on the side."

The firm's numbers suggest moonlighting developers can work anything up to and beyond 40 hours a week in order to pay the bills, with the latest study depicting it as a growing trend back in April, 41 percent of developers admitting to having another full time job.

Money isn't the only motivator, however. Evans Data claims many developers take on extra work in order to gain additional skills or improve those they already have, while almost half claim working on their own mobile apps is something they do 'for the love of it'.

You can download the report in full from Evans Data's website.

[source: FierceDeveloper]