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How Twitch helped Clash Royale drive $1.5 million in additional revenue

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How Twitch helped Clash Royale drive $1.5 million in additional revenue

Anyone remember Clash Royale?

It was the last game to be a phenomenon... before the current one.

But while the world has gone Pokemon GO mad, Supercell has been slowly building out Clash Royale as an credible eSports title.

That's the conclusion from research from Newzoo which tracked what happened during the first two weeks when the game's new Tournaments feature went live on 4 July.

Power of Twitch

Over half of the streamers that Supercell featured used Twitch so Newzoo tracked how this increased activity around the game on the streaming platform.

Compared to the average activity in previous two weeks, Clash Royale's Twitch viewing was up almost 300% to a peak of over 16,500.

This happening during the first Monday and Tuesday (the Monday was a US holiday), but Twitch viewing for the game was up over the entire period apart from the final 2 days.

In terms of downloads, Newzoo reckons Clash Royale gained around 1 million more than a typical week, while in-game revenues (harder to accurately estimate) were up around $1.5 million across the period,

Newzoo concludes:

"The tournament week is a perfect example of how a publisher can work closely with and capitalize on the popularity of streamers who are already embraced by their communities.

"The combination of fan favorites, new exciting features, and publisher support proved to be a fruitful recipe for Clash Royale."

You can read the full report here.