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Clause for concern: AppShopper booted from the App Store

Apple claims app falls foul of rules
Clause for concern: AppShopper booted from the App Store

It's months since clause 2.25 an addition to the App Store's App Review Guidelines uncovered by hit the headlines, yet it appears Apple is only now taking action against certain releases it believes violate the rule.

One such is app discovery platform AppShopper, which its creators who are also behind TouchArcade claim has been booted from Apple's marketplace for breaking clause 2.25, which outlaws apps that display "apps other than your own for purchase or promotion."


According to a report by TheNextWeb, Apple cited the clause as its reason for removing AppShopper an app that tracks app prices to enable consumers to take advantage of price drops or promo deals.

Similar promo apps, however, currently remain unaffected, though many will now be monitoring their respective inboxes to watch out for similar action.

Back in September, Apple remained silent when the clause was uncovered, though speculation suggested it was a move designed to enable the giant to retain control of both the App Store, and the major forces that impact on its rankings.

At the time, however, it was claimed Apple wasn't removing apps that fell foul of clause 2.25, but rather it was simply preventing developers from updating them. The removal of AppShopper appears to signify an shift in Apple's approach.

Have you had an app update rejected or had it removed from the store entirely for violating clause 2.25?

Mail us at keith[dot] and we'll be in touch.

[source: TheNextWeb]